
tokyo set

Tokyo, officially known as the Tokyo Metropolis, is a unique entity in Japan's administrative structure. While commonly referred to as a city, Tokyo is actually classified as a "metropolitan prefecture"—blending elements of both a city and a prefecture. It is the only one of its kind in Japan, standing out among the 47 prefectures with its complex system that encompasses 23 special wards, each of which is an individual city in its own right. The Tokyo Metropolis serves as Japan's capital and is a bustling hub of economic, political, and cultural activity.

Ginza 13
Meiji Shrine
Meiji Shrine 12
National Museum of Western Art
National Museum of We... 12
Senso-ji 17
Shibuya 13
Shinjuku 11
Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden
Shinjuku Gyoen Nation... 12
Tokyo 37
Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building
Tokyo Metropolitan Go... 14
Tokyo National Museum
Tokyo National Museum 13
Tokyo Skytree
Tokyo Skytree 12
Ueno Park
Ueno Park 13
Yasukuni Shrine
Yasukuni Shrine 12
Yushukan 12